Ski Sunday -1

27th Darlington Scout Group hit the slopes. This weekend 27th Darlington Scouts (Skerne Park) had a camp at Carlisle where we went on the dry ski slopes, non of the scouts had done it before and each scout by the…

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Stars Lead the Way !

Elm Ridge Explorers were out and about at Blackwell navigating between bunkers by stars and compass got the shelters out at the end to practice in the dark and cold. We had to ditch our plans of hills as -7C…

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Darlington Scouts are raring to go for 2024, with the #Outdoorin24 Challenge. Why not join us as a Leader / Helper by volunteering . Volunteering can be a brilliant way to boost your mental wellbeing. It’s a great feeling knowing you’re…

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Merry Scoutmas

As we say goodbye to 2023 and look forward to 2024 we look to strengthen our Teams, without Volunteers there wouldn’t be Scouts in Darlington. Were not looking for the next Bear Grylls just someone with a get up and…

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OFF They Go!! Unit 39 are on their way to the 25th World Scout Jamboree in South Korea Have a safe journey and enjoy the Adventure ! Members of Darlington Scouts are amongst them, can you spot them ?

District Camp 2023

Soggy Camp 2023 The District Team have had an absolute blast this weekend meeting Squirrels, Beavers, Cubs, Scouts, Explorers and Leaders from across our District. Our Young People have shown determination, resilience, tried many new things and more importantly, had…

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Orienteering Post

1st Darlington Scouts Orienteering Competition At the beginning of June Darlington held their first Orienteering Competition It was well attended by the groups around town and consisted of Cubs, Scouts and Explorers. Well done to the 18th Darlington Scout Group…

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