The Beach

Cracking evening at the beach with Elm Ridge Explorers and Harrowgate Hill Explorers joining us. #SkillsForLife is clearly working as one of our Explorers avoided last years burger gate episode & successfully cooked all of his burgers this year! Well…

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Orienteering 2024

Double Win for Hurworth !!! This years Darlington District Orienteering Competition was a straight Orienteering OF with Elm Ridge and Hurworth Elm Ridge Explorers vs Hurworth Explorers 11th Darlington Scout Group (Hurworth) vs 12th Darlington Scout Group (Elm Ridge) and…

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Great ! T

Great Times were had by all at Great Towers the other weekend. The rain didn’t stop any of our play, and to top it all off, Elm Ridge welcomed their newest Explorer.

Stars Lead the Way !

Elm Ridge Explorers were out and about at Blackwell navigating between bunkers by stars and compass got the shelters out at the end to practice in the dark and cold. We had to ditch our plans of hills as -7C…

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Merry Scoutmas

As we say goodbye to 2023 and look forward to 2024 we look to strengthen our Teams, without Volunteers there wouldn’t be Scouts in Darlington. Were not looking for the next Bear Grylls just someone with a get up and…

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