Silver DofE completed , for Elm Ridge Explorers, 60 km over three days in the Cheviot Hills. Big thanks to Tony Petch top van driving and supporting the young people (along with all the other explorer leaders). Also Kev Beer…
Day Of Adventure
The other weekend, the 27th Darlington had their ‘Day of Adventure’ with all of their sections out and about (Saturday) doing various activities! – 14 of our intrepid Squirrels were at Moor House on the toboggan run and cooking on…
Expanding Beavers
The 14th Darlington Scout Group recently opened a new Beaver Scout Colony. Huge thanks to Polly, Rachel and Tara for stepping forward to lead the new section. Instead of learning from books, you’ll figure the world out by exploring, playing…
District Camp 2023
Soggy Camp 2023 The District Team have had an absolute blast this weekend meeting Squirrels, Beavers, Cubs, Scouts, Explorers and Leaders from across our District. Our Young People have shown determination, resilience, tried many new things and more importantly, had…