The other weekend, the Squirrels from the 27th Scout Group had a brilliant time at their sleepover, showing just how capable our youngest section can be – whether helping prep tea or sleeping away from home! A highlight was a…
District Christmas Fayre
On the 30th November Darlington District Scouts will be holding their Christmas Fayre come down to the District HQ, behind St Johns Church on Neasham Road, Darlington. Browse our Scouting Fundraising Stalls, @moon_dolly_crochet and others. Get you Scouting Christmas Presents…
Spooky 2024
The Scouting Sections from various groups around town put on some spooky outfits and had a spooky ball, others got crafty. The 7th Sea Scouts and 12th Elm Ridge Cubs had spooky parties. The Elm Ridge Explorers carved out a…
New Chief Scout
Congratulations to Dwayne Fields from us all at Darlington and District Scouts.
Fun at the Fair
Darlington District came together for the Fun of the Fair for their annual District Camp, Squirrels, Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and Explorers all united on one camp field. Unlike last year the Sun was out and fun was had by all,…
Squirrel Camp
The Squirrels from the 27th Darlington Scout Group just completed their first ever night under canvas. Following our successful sleepover earlier this year, ten intrepid Squirrels took the plunge to try out a tent – and loved it! With a…
We Need You !!
Over the past year Scouting has grown in Darlington with the opening of a number Squirrel Dray’s (this is the youngest age group in the Scouting Organisation) We have daily enquiries about young people wanting to join our Scouting Sections…
Cake Happy
Squirrels from the 7th Sea Scout Group the other week had fun making chocolate cornflake cakes whilst learning about food allergies gluten, wheat and dairy
St George’s Day 2024
As we celebrate St George’s Day today – 23rd April – the Patron Saint of scouting, we look back at our St George’s Day Parade. Gathering outside the town hall for our parade of group flags, we walked through the…