The other weekend, the 27th Darlington had their ‘Day of Adventure’ with all of their sections out and about (Saturday) doing various activities! – 14 of our intrepid Squirrels were at Moor House on the toboggan run and cooking on…
Scouting History
Earlier this month the Cubs from the 12th Darlington Cub Pack attended the library to have a talk and look at photos and maps on old Darlington, Katherine (Library Curator) talked about Elm Ridge Church and showed photographs of the…
Designers in the Making
The 27th Darlington Scout Group have a new Group Badge! YouShape is all about involving the young members and the 27th Scout Group have done just that. They held a badge design competition last October, and combined the ideas from…
Merry Scoutmas
As we say goodbye to 2023 and look forward to 2024 we look to strengthen our Teams, without Volunteers there wouldn’t be Scouts in Darlington. Were not looking for the next Bear Grylls just someone with a get up and…